
A girl with a heart to go out and change her world!

Hey girl! Wanna know what GoGirl is all about?

We are women joined together in a common vision: Live with passion. Lead with power. Love with purpose.

The Great Commission, Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV) says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

GoGirl is a movement of women dedicated and determined to go into the world and change it with purpose, passion, and the power of Jesus Christ. We choose to live with the Great Commission as our vision.

At GoGirl we: Go and Grow. Together.

After 15 years of working with women in various ministry roles and leadership opportunities we have found one main concern that surfaces over and over again. This concern hinders many of us from confidently embracing our call to go out in the world and make disciples!

“I want to change the world but I don’t know how!”

Sound familiar?

Close the gap between confusion and your calling.

The Great Commission invites us into a life of adventure and abundance. No more normal living for us!

Every day ordinary life becomes extraordinary when we accept the invitation to embrace our call and empower others to do the same. 

Three words that will change your life when you understand that YOU are a GoGirl……

Purpose, passion, power.

Everywhere we plant our feet is our mission field.

Everyone we meet is a person waiting for us to show up.

Everywhere we go is an opportunity to be light! We are going to shine bright and ignite the world around us.

We are women on a mission.

Find your passion….

Find your purpose….

Find the power of Jesus Christ to change you and the world around you!

Ready? Let’s Go Girl!

Belief Statements

  • God is good.

  • The gospel is great news.

  • The Word of God was inspired by God and is the infallible truth we stand on.

  • Jesus is the way, The Truth and The Life.

  • God is three persons. God the Father. Jesus the son. Holy Spirit. Three in One.

  • Jesus was born to a virgin, Mary. Sent to earth to save us from our sins. He was crucified, buried and rose from the grave on the third day. He is coming back again someday to take us home to our eternal dwelling. Heaven.

  • We have all fallen into sin. We all need a Saviour to rescue, redeem and restore us.

  • Every human was created with purpose. Every life matters.

  • Women are created uniquely and equally by God.

  • Every human was given gifts that are to be used to build the Kingdom of God, bring love and hope to the people around us and to build the body of Christ.

  • There is one body of Christ. Every believer is part of that body.

  • Jesus has called us to change the world in His power; with the passions he has given us.

  • We are all influencers. We all have been called to live out the Great Commission as our mission.

  • The Great Commission is for everyone. This vision will take both men and women to fulfill it. We believe men and women are CO-missioned to live out the Great Commission together in unity.