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We are the women who are fighting on the frontlines of our homes.

We defend faith, family, and freedom.

We respond to crisis with compassion and action.

We are dependable because lives depend on us.

We were there when it started and will be there until the end.

We may lose a battle here and there, but we win the war.

We get confused but never lose our vision.

We have long and strong faith.

We show up.

We never give up.

We stay up late and get up early.

We ignite purpose in others. 

We birth the miraculous.

We make mistakes but won’t ever mistake the gift of being a “mom”.

We give our best every day to the people we love even if every day isn’t their best.

We choose to give everything we have so the people we love can get everything they need to be all they were created to be.

We know the struggle of surrender but we never give in to defeat.

We do hard things.

We do holy things.

We make something out of nothing.

We lose jobs, love, sleep, sanity, time, and our minds but we never stop giving.

We pour out so others can fill up. 

We are raising the next generation.

We are servant leaders leading others to serve. 

We wrestle with hard questions so that others can find answers.  

We are safe, gentle, and kind.

We give our life.

We give our love.

We stay when others go.

We change the world by raising world changers.

We dare to dream bold dreams because our children are born to do great things.

We sit and listen. Over and over and over again. Forever.

We believe what others can’t yet see.

We are bold.

We are beautiful.

We are brave.  (Even when we are scared.)

We gather many and any to feed them, house them, guide them, and provide for them.

We want safety but will risk ours in order to guarantee theirs.

We believe that what we do today, in the unseen places of our hearts and homes, are our sacred sacrifices of love.

We are determined.

We are driven.

We love like crazy and love our crazies.

We carry the heartbeat of hope and the rhythms of grace so our families can dance in freedom.

We are confident of one thing: Love wins. And we fight for the victory.

We are mothers, grandmothers, friends, aunts, sisters, and a community of women who will never ever give up the mission of motherhood.

We live with passion, purpose, and power. Every. Single. Day.

We are GoMoms. 


Do you know a mom who lives in passion, purpose, and power?

Head over to GoGirl on FB and MOMinate her for our Mother's Day Give-a-way!

Nicole Brooke

Nicole Brooke is a freelance graphic design consultant offering simple, functional, & beautiful design solutions to help get your business noticed! Our 1:1 design consulting, website design, and graphic design will help get your business looking amazing!
