Salt and Light

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
— Matthew 5:13-16

Depending on the number of people who live in your home, their ages, number of bathrooms, quarantine can be a quick 10ish days or it could seem like it will go on forever and ever without end. For my family, we were not able to isolate our positive cases due to several reasons, and so with all of the science of quarantine when it was all said and done, the majority of my family had stayed home for about 35 days. 

During that time we all rode the roller coaster ride of symptoms appearing, ordering and receiving testing, a 4-5 day wait for results with the immediate future hanging in the balance, and then adjusting our schedules appropriately with the positives and negative test results. To say that it is emotionally draining is an understatement. I have shed many tears in the waiting for results, coordinating grocery deliveries, and figuring out all of the other details you don’t realize matter until you cannot leave your home. 

When it comes time and you receive your release papers (a reality here in NY state), the new sense of freedom feels good. You might even want to scream from the rooftops that you victoriously made it through and then go and get your own groceries. I get it! For some, this is where it ends and life resumes and though you don’t look back on this experience fondly at least it’s done. 

For our family, this is when the realization hit that half of my family had not tested positive and could still contract the virus. We could potentially land back right where we were, with each and every outing that happens from here on out. Oh man, did that dark cloud want to rain on my parade. I soon found myself living in fear of letting anyone out of the house for anything at all ever again. We need to be selective in our outings and exercise precautions, but the approach I felt myself wanting to take was not sustainable for our family. My husband needed to return to the office, my daughter needed to return to her school, and my other children needed the interaction with their small group of friends.

Wherever you find yourself as you are leaving this quarantine time, keep Romans 8:35-37 close to your heart.

As you are entering back into the world that wasn’t normal when we took our break and won’t be normal when we re-enter, keep in mind that God is walking with you every post-COVID step of the way. 

Nor post-COVID lingering symptoms, nor days where you just need to rest.Nor first sniffle from your previously negative spouse or child.

Nor virtual doctor visit to follow, nor 3-4 day wait for results.

Nor quarantine for your loved one that may or may not keep you home again.

Nothing can separate you from His love. 

How do we emerge from this while still feeling battle weary and move past fear or uncertainty? One step at a time. Keep leaning in and letting the Lord guide you. Hold His hand as you make your way out and start to evaluate what life looks like post quarantine. 

In the same way let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
— Matthew 5:16

We become His love in action.

The Lord has been doing a great work in you during this time you have spent in this devotional with Him. He has been preparing you for opportunities that will come your way where you can support those around you who are just starting to feel the ripples that come with that mild headache that has them wondering if this is where it starts. He has filled you with His love so that you can pour out to others. One of the best ways people will come to know God is by seeing you serving in His strength and with His love. You are salt and light. The simplest love is extravagant love. Send the text to check in, let them know you are at the store and can drop something off if they need it.  Just let the people you love know you care.  Be the brightest, saltiest person your friends know. 

Lord, thank you for how you have provided for our family while we are in quarantine. Thank you for the people who have shown me extravagant love with each and every text, message, and doorstep delivery. I pray that as I am released from quarantine that I may have eyes to see and a heart to serve others around me who are in need of some salt and light. Let your good work be done through me, your eager and willing servant. Amen.

Meet Saunseray!

Hello! My name is Saunseray Benjamin and it is an honor for me to be a voice of encouragement in this blog series. I live in Upstate New York with my husband of 15 years, my five beautiful children, two dogs, two cats, and a bearded dragon - we have a lot of love to give! My family was quarantined for 35 days in November and December of 2020 due to both positive and negative COVID cases in our home. Looking at the road ahead of us at the beginning of quarantine felt so overwhelming and there were so many unknowns but we made the best of it with the help of our amazing friends who loved us, supported us, and helped us through it! I am so grateful for a Father who provided so much love, healing, and comfort during this time! Bessings!

Nicole Brooke

Nicole Brooke is a freelance graphic design consultant offering simple, functional, & beautiful design solutions to help get your business noticed! Our 1:1 design consulting, website design, and graphic design will help get your business looking amazing!

The Arrow and The Archer


A Time To Trust